Another Family Christmas
After stopping briefly to reload our luggage into the car, we offered gifts of good tidings to slaDE~s sister Sherry and son Ritchie, before heading to my Mom’s for a family Christmas gathering. My younger sister Aaron was already there and Sylvia (our adopted Aunt) was soon to arrive thereafter. The day was carefree and without agenda. We decided to open gifts downstairs while Aaron typed madly at her lengthy assignment due on Monday’s college class (she’s studying to be an Arborist). Her gifts from India were very touching – – a beautiful bedcover made of the finest materials in some of my favourite colours — red and orange. Mom and Pat gifted us with warm woolly socks, winter boots and an engraved towel set in my other fav colour of mustard yellow. I love watching slaDE accept gifts as he does … with pure joy, graciousness and bountiful smiles & hugs. He reflects that thoughtfulness and special qualities in the gifter. Beautiful.
After Aaron exited to catch her train returning to Toronto, we set about establishing a working computer for my Mother and Pat. All went really well until I received a disturbing email from Jean at 2am which stated that our planned transfer of apartment tenancy in Calgary was being undermined and vetoed by the Property Management. Damn. Nothing could be done but sit and wait a few days until the dust has settled and references compiled. Tappity, tap, tap, tap. And then, there is still no certainty until down the road in the New Year, when we could possibly be evicted. Whahhhhhh …..