4 Bill
Counting down the days until Bill returns home to Calgary!

Counting down the days until Bill returns home to Calgary!
the lines of my shadow provide me with a mirror more realistic than the tangible can portray … the lines on my face (some may call them wrinkles) provide me with a vivid road map of the journeys i have ventured upon and experientially been graced with …
Sometimes its difficult to write about everything in my day that’s rather interesting, especially when I continuously find myself without much time in my day to sleep, let alone write or play :). So in a chaotic mess of verbosity, I’m going to list what I think are some interesting but very casual observations whilst…
I read a really interesting book lately called “Miracle cures : dramatic new scientific discoveries revealing the healing powers of herbs, vitamins” by Jean Carper. For my own health, I felt that it was important to write down the natural healing benefits of those listed herbs & vitamins. Having done the legwork, I thought that…
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Ever since the early days of my cre8tive photographic pursuits, I have been enthralled at capturing the ‘it’ face. The look, the expression which sets a photo beyond others. Sticktuitive-ness when it comes to those special memorable moments. I have been blessed in witnessing and encapsulating so many of those moments on camera over the…
I just spoke with my biological Father, our Dad, on the phone. I can honestly say that I have 2 Dads … my Mother’s husband Pat and Theodore, my Father. I miss them both so much! But not for much longer — what’s truly exciting about the conversation we just had is that my younger…