Photography 20/366 Byskydiva February 3, 2008July 3, 2010 20/366. “With eyes like these, how can she say no?”
Photography 29/366 Byskydiva February 12, 2008July 3, 2010 29/366. Perpetuating growth of the masses, this tiger tulip fornicates with splendiferous colour.
Friends & Family | Photography 6/366 Byskydiva January 20, 2008July 3, 2010 6/366. Aaron says “I see you!” and I’m thinking, “If you don’t, you need to get your vision tested”.
Friends & Family | Photography 5/366 Byskydiva January 19, 2008July 3, 2010 5/366. It was as if looking at myself when gazing at my sister’s reflection.
Photography 4/366 Byskydiva January 18, 2008July 3, 2010 4/366. The beauty of autumn foreshadows a winter’s calling
Photography 7/366 Byskydiva January 21, 2008July 3, 2010 7/366. Reflections of me … the fitting theme for this first week of Project 366 photoS!
what a beautiful dog…
re: puppy-dog eyes
she was just begging to be fed! she was so cute and irresistable