100/366! This is a big day … Number 100! Fabulous 🙂 A precious delicate moment, frozen in time, on this wintery morning in Hawkesville, Ontario.
This weeks task: anything in nature that’s red! It could be red leaves, red animals, red sunsets. Anything, as long as the photo has red in it and includes nature. Ah yes, sigh, I’m behind AGAIN! I’ll endeavor to catch up today and post a bunch. But NO promises though, eh?!
92/366. Al and Pixie pose after landing from their wedding ceremony in Burner’s balloon, over the Arizona desert. Truly an inspiring couple …. skydiving is their passion and their forte (Al, having lost both of his lower limbs, is a tremendously talented freeflyer), and their love is as red as Pixie’s canopy.