
What is petroleum used in??

Continuing from my blog posting yesterday of our addiction to petroleum and the mess that’s been created in the Gulf, I wanted to break the discussion down in to a more tangible realistic portrayal of how oil is used in our everyday lives. And realistically, what can we do on an individual scale, as consumers, by looking to alternative solutions to everyday products that we use, which contain derivatives of petroleum. I’m only touching the beginnings of potential. Be cre8tive and perhaps suggest some other ways, in the comment section below! I dare you to make a difference and contribution 🙂

Pantyhose Silk, cotton and wool alternatives exist. Request if not available locally.
Lipstick Ask for organic or chemical-free. Vegan and hemp alternatives exist.
Crayons Beeswax and chemical free is essential.
Gum GLEE GUMis a superb alternative and can be found at health food stores.Glee Gum is all natural chewing gum made with sustainably harvested rain forest chicle.In Canada, if you can’t find that, you might find Xylitol-based natural gums at a Korean Supermarket.
Aspirin Please speak with a Naturopath or Alternative Medicine Practitioner.
Willow bark is a powerful healer, when used with care.
Solar Panels Dispose of these properly and ask about petroleum oil-free technologies.
Synthetic Fibers / Polyesters in Clothing Eco-Friendly Fabrics are available. Try to avoid organic blends (where non-organic materials can be incorporated).
  • Natural, Vegan or Lambskin condoms
  • Organic Lubricant
  • Birth Control That’s Au Naturel
  • IUD
  • Vasectomy
Toothpaste My personal favourite: Toms of Mainetoothpaste was the first natural toothpaste to be given approval from the American Dental Association.Here’s a recipe from the Instructables site for making your own toothpaste!
Mouthwash My recipe:

* 8 oz water
* 1/2 tsp baking soda
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 4 drops peppermint oil
* 4 drops tea tree
* 1 tbsp 3% peroxide

My homemade mouthwash recipe has a fabulous minty taste and helps prevent bad breath.

Baby food Vita-Mix — make your own!
Petroleum jelly (otherwise known as petrolatum or soft paraffin)
~ sometimes blended with paraffin wax and used in medicines and in many toiletries and healing moisturizers
Make your own with Beeswax as the main ingredient or try the natural vegetable product known as Cremerlin.
Petroleum (or paraffin) wax
~ used in packaging, candles, matches, shoe polish, and even candy making
Beeswax or soy wax
Asphalt Alternative asphalt solutions: Solid Earth, Ecogrid (a permeable paving solution)
Disposable Diapers Cloth diapers, foregoing diapers or at least using disposable diapers that are chlorine-free or made from recycled materials.

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  1. Thanks for posting this! This is awesome! Love Tom’s of Maine for deodorant as well.

    Funny story: When we were through the Kansas City area this past June someone slapped a bumper sticker on our tow vehicle that read “I ♥ oil spills”.

    We removed it as soon as we saw it, and I was still pretty raw about it when I got into the tattoo shop until one of the artists there that day thought it over and said “It was a vinyl sticker, right? Isn’t that a petroleum product?”

    Yeah ….

    All the best to you both and we hope we’ll see you down the road sometime soon!

    1. Thanks Charon!!
      Try the link to the homemade toothpaste. Quite good. Also made the mouthwash myself last night. I had run out :).
      Hope you guys are having a fabulous summer. Hope to see you Airstreamin’ down the road.

  2. Whatta neat post and, golly gee, thanks so much for mentioning GLEE!
    You are officially tops with me.
    – Glee Guy, humble mascot of Glee Gum

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