Newly Designed yogaFLIGHT

Newly Designed yogaFLIGHT

Our website goes live today! Wow, the anticipation of such a huge change in format is exhilarating. Perhaps the adrenaline keeps me awake as I forge my way towards finishing the self-imposed deadline. It only seemed fitting and necessary that we launch our website before the Lululemon campaign arrives this Thursday. I’m just as excited about…

Overwhelmed by Paper

In quiet contemplation, here I sit, gazing vacantly at my computer, staring at a gigantic flurry of receipts. What once were monolithic stacks of paper that needed attending to, now are petulant pieces of history littering our precious kitchen table space. I need to sort, catalogue and categorize this mess before entering the data into…


WordPress revisited

I am constantly amazed by the breadth and depth of WordPress‘ supreme capabilities. Or moreover, the developers who design such startling gorgeous and functional templates.  And having had the pleasure of learning the nuances of the Atahualpa template we use for this blog, I am ready to take on designing for other clients who might…