sand castles in the skY

sand dreamsWhat a fun way to pass the afternoon … we went to the Calgary Adventure and Travel show at the Stampede grounds this afternoon. It was fun to dream of travels abroad and adventures extraordinaire … but those luscious visions need to be contained for just a while longer while we raise the capital to fund our exploits.

It was exciting to actually play and ‘fly’ on the EuroBungy trampoline bungee. After 10 minutes of thrills, flips and somersaults, both slaDE and I were pretty exhausted. And then explored the exhibits further, only to discover a professional sculptor of Nature! Peter Vogelaar is a world champion sand/snow sculptor. We spent a good amount of time chatting with him about his awesome talents (after checking out his photographic portfolio of work). Check out his site @ I’m wanting to redesign his website for him … we’ll see what he thinks!

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