Kirtan at the PCC

Last night an incredible evening of joyous kirtan music (spiritual songs) took place at the Pacific Cultural Center (PCC) in Santa Cruz. The PCC is affiliated with Mount Madonna in that both non-profit organizations belong under the Hanuman Fellowship. The students of Baba Hari Dass established the Fellowship as a vehicle for the teachings of Yoga (Ashtanga 8 limbs of Yoga). The PCC along with the Ashtanga Yoga Institute, Kaya Kalpa Wellness Center, Sri Ram Orphanage, the Ashtanga Yoga Fellowship of Toronto, Salt Spring Center (in BC, Canada) and Mount Madonna all belong under the Hanuman Fellowship.

Because of the close connection with this community, it’s natural for monthly hosting of kirtan to be graced with the radiant voices of Baba Hari Dass’ students. The melody and uplifting joy that tonight’s music brought within me was healing for my wounded spirit. I’m feeling rather worn lately and I needed the lift and nurturing balm of the community satsang experience.

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