Another cold Texan Day

Box ManMax-trackAnother night with no electricity and thus no heat leaves me hankering for the balmy temperatures of the tropics right now. But soon enough, we’ll be leaving Texas and heading west towards sunny California, with a stop at Skydive Arizona along the way (can you say Wind Tunnel??!). Our time here the past month has literally flown by! Who knew that Texas would provide us with so many fabulous opportunities and introduce us to so many wonderful people and new friends. We LOVE Skydive Houston. Todd and Kristi Bell are wonderful hosts and the locals are truly warm welcoming southerners with impeccable manners and amazing drinking skills :). We’ve had a lot of fun playing with yogaFLIGHT and reaching out to everyone interested in experiencing another way to fly.

In fact, much entertainment was had with Drew swooping the frozen pond, only to stall out his canopy 10 feet above the water. Needless to say, he joined the Armadillo club (think polar bear club, but with clothing on) and in the evening, we played a tournament of dominos and naked Uno by the kerosene heater. Tough to leave these kind of good times behind ;).

Check uS out!Shoulder Stand

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