

Day 5 of Alumapalooza:

LizardsWhat an exciting day! I’ve been so looking forward to the Airstream open house and the ‘SWAP Meet’ (basically where vendors can bring anything they might have to sell, Airstream of origin or not) .

Pastel heaven

The open house is a time to check out other Airstream trailers, if their owners are open to visitors checking out their pride and joys. Open door means come and visit, closed door indicates ‘not participating’.

I am always looking for a forum for selling my aromatherapy alchemist concoctions and today seemed like the perfect opportunity to highlight the benefits of aromatherapy in one’s life, especially whilst travelling on the road. I’ve always been fascinated by essential oils, their potential healing properties and the beauty of their scent. To actually have people wanting to buy my all natural blends (i.e. insect repellant, varietal perfumes, exotic diffusing sprays & blends plus so much more) has me beyond excited, fuelled by my passion for alchemy and essential oils. So with that exuberance and this occasion, I leapt out of bed bright and early, preparing my display of wares under the small tent behind the Airstream factory. The weather was heavy with moisture and the precipitation held off patiently until after I had set up my table. The winds steadily picked up and the soggy muddy grounds of the rally became saturated with puddles of rain.


Yet my mood remained elevated at the diligent stream of people who flowed by with a steadiness that surprised me, for the complete hour that the vendors had their tables available for viewing. Our apartment-sized dishwasher (used by the previous owner of our Airstream and carted all the way down from Canada in the back of our truck) was of no interest to those today attending the SWAP Meet. And who can blame them? Space is a luxury in our RV, and a dishwasher doesn’t really fit in to our lifestyle or 34 foot silver bullet.

Although the rain subsided at times, the mud remained and I was uncertain as to whether the open house would be a popular event. But the sun came out to play and we had a chance to browse through other people’s beautiful homes. It’s inspiring to see so much personal cre8tivity with each and every Airstream.

Grape theme AirstreamThe weather changed sporadically all day, and in between, delightful seminars from Kristiana Spaulding of Silver Trailer and Kristy and Sean Michael from the LongLongHoneymoon inspired those in attendance with their cre8tive stories and inspirational lifestyle dreams. I love to see people successfully cre8ting and living their own dreams, breath by breath, with no real guidelines other than following their hearts and instincts. We endeavour to follow in similiar footsteps but with our own flair for yoga, yogaFLIGHT and skydiving to lift our spirits higher than they have ever soared!

The evening dinner was succulent, tasty and preceded by brilliance. Joe Diamond, a bizarrely innovative and talented magician, had the audience riveted with aluminous aptitude that had me tickled by his quirky humour, slight of hand and engaging talent at ‘reading minds’. A great evening finished with a lovely walk through Jackson Center, savouring Airstream’s aluminum trailers before Alumapalooza’s mass exodus.

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